Tropical islands, lost in the Pacific Ocean – a dream for those seeking peace and relaxation, and Vanuatu can be considered the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

A picturesque archipelago of 83 islands, tropical climate, lush vegetation, untouched beaches, superb diving, and a friendly population – all of this together is the recipe for a wonderful vacation and relaxation.

Of course, a tropical paradise is not the only thing that attracts foreign tourists and investors to the islands.

Vanuatu’s citizenship by investment program is one of the most advantageous and fastest immigration programs in the world: a passport can be obtained within 3-5 months by making a non-refundable contribution to local funds of at least $130,000, or to the Cocoa Development Fund for at least $155,000.

Vanuatu does not require residing in the country for any specific period of time either before or after obtaining citizenship: the entire procedure can be carried out remotely, and even the oath of allegiance can be taken remotely. With the passport of this neutral island nation, one can travel visa-free to more than 90 countries, as well as enjoy an impressive list of other advantages.

For those who want to visit Vanuatu and get to know the archipelago better, in this article we will tell you a bit about the country, and focus in more detail on the capital, Port Vila.

Republic of Vanuatu – Facts About the Country and Tips for Visitors

  • In the local language, “Vanuatu” literally means “this land forever”: before gaining independence in 1980, the archipelago was called the “New Hebrides”;
  • The archipelago consists of 83 islands, 18 of which are uninhabited. The main islands are Efate with the capital Port Vila, Espiritu Santo, Malekula and Tanna. The total land area is 12,190, and the nearest countries are the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Fiji and Australia;
  • From November to April is the rainy season on the Vanuatu islands, with the heaviest rainfall occurring in January-March, while temperatures can reach 30-32°C. The best time to visit the archipelago is considered to be the period from April to October: the average temperature ranges from 20-27°C, and there are many more sunny days. Interestingly, the water temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year, a comfortable 22-27°C; 
  • There are three official languages in Vanuatu: the state languages English and French, and the national language Bislama (a creole language based primarily on English). There are also more than 100 local languages and dialects on the archipelago;
  • The majority of the population, about 94%, are indigenous Ni-Vanuatu. The remaining 6% are Europeans and peoples of Asia and Oceania;
  • Art and local cultural traditions play an important role in the life of the country: for the Ni-Vanuatu, traditional music and dance, closely linked to each other, are highly significant;
  • Equally popular are tattooing, masks and traditional costumes, which are widely used during celebrations and rituals throughout the country. Moreover, there are many tribes here in which the chief’s word is law;
  • The locals are very friendly and polite, but also conservative: tipping and bargaining are not customary, as they are considered rude and improper. Overly revealing clothing and provocative behavior are frowned upon;
  • At the same time, travel to Vanuatu is generally safe: the most common crimes on the islands are petty theft;
  • Foreign visitors to the islands are recommended to undergo standard tropical vaccination before their visit, as well as have good medical insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  • Vanuatu has quite strict property rights laws, so when planning travel routes independently, it’s best to clarify them in detail, or make arrangements with the owner when visiting their lands. Generally, there are no difficulties with this – the locals are easy to contact and welcoming to guests.

Traveling in Port Vila: History, Attractions, Entertainment and Features 

Port Vila is the largest city in Vanuatu, located on the southwest of the island of Efate; it is the cultural, historical, economic and commercial center of the Republic. Near Port Vila is Bauerfield Airport – the largest international airport in the archipelago. This is often where the journey to discover Vanuatu and travel to the islands begins.

The capital is ready to offer its residents and tourists any service and amenity: there are hospitals and universities, sports centers and stadiums, a huge number of shops and boutiques, restaurants and cafes, casinos and nightclubs, beaches and much more. Excursions and tours to the islands of the archipelago start from here, and this is where you can go diving and snorkeling.

History of Port Vila 

According to archaeological research, the islands of Vanuatu were inhabited more than 4,000 years ago, but little is known about the early history of the archipelago. Most of it dates back to the early 17th century – from the time of colonization by European powers.

Port Vila did not gain its significance until the late 19th century: before that period, the western part of the island around Havannah Harbour carried more weight, where the first European settlement arose. Nevertheless, the southern port strengthened its position and in 1906 the city was proclaimed the capital of the colony – under the joint administration of France and Britain. Port Vila’s economic and commercial influence grew, and during World War II the city was a base for the Allied armies.

Port Vila finally gained its status in the second half of the 20th century. In 1970, low taxes were introduced here, which attracted finances into the local economy and triggered a construction boom: colonial buildings were replaced by new concrete structures, streets and roads were expanded, and in 1972 the main pier was built to receive cruise ships. Thus, Port Vila became an important center for commercial maritime transportation and a tourist center, strengthening its significance in the economic and commercial life of Vanuatu.

In 1978, the united government established on the archipelago actively began to struggle for independence, which was achieved in 1980: the New Hebrides gained the name “Republic of Vanuatu”. The country is now a member of the UN, the Commonwealth of Nations, the WTO and other international organizations.

What to Do and Where to Go in Port Vila? 

Architecture and History 

There are not so many attractions in Port Vila – its main appeal, like that of the entire archipelago, is unspoiled nature, picturesque landscapes and other charms of the tropical islands.

In the capital, there is the Catholic Cathedral of Sacre Coeur, built in 1980 – a building in the colonial style; the architectural heritage of the colonial era can be seen in the French Quarter – here tourists can visit the Anglican church and the old Courthouse building.

For museum and culture lovers in the capital, it’s worth visiting the National Museum and Vanuatu Cultural Center, the National Library and the Oceania Arts Center – they house the main artifacts of past eras and works of art by contemporary artists and sculptors.

Diving, Snorkeling and Other Water Activities and Sports Vanuatu is one of the most recognized and interesting archipelagos for diving: here, diving enthusiasts can get a wealth of impressions.

Underwater tunnels, picturesque grottoes and caves, breathtakingly beautiful coral reefs, a variety of marine life – from colorful fish to turtles, rays and dolphins, sunken ships – all this is available to both experienced and beginner divers.

Snorkeling is hugely popular: the main attraction is rightfully considered to be the Havannah Harbour area – a port and yacht marina 30 km from Port Vila. On the local beaches you can go kitesurfing and parasailing, swim in the clearest water and sunbathe.

Another popular activity is fishing: local companies hold competitions and offer tourists deep-sea fishing for swordfish and wahoo.

On the southwestern coast of Efate Island, not far from Port Vila, you can visit a real underwater post office: you can reach the mailbox and send a waterproof postcard by diving to the bottom of the ocean during specific hours.

20 minutes from the capital are the Efate Waterfalls – the beautiful Mele Cascades, a sort of natural water park with foaming streams, natural pools and picturesque caves.


The area around the waterfall is a botanical garden with lush tropical vegetation. The local mountains and volcanoes are very popular: not far from Port Vila is Mount McDonald – the highest point on the island at 646 meters.

From Port Vila you can reach Tanna Island, where the active Yasur Volcano is located – one of the most popular active volcanoes in the world, whose crater you can climb and observe the lava.

On the largest island of the archipelago, Espiritu Santo, is Vanuatu’s largest national park – Big Bay. You can also easily reach it from the capital and admire the tropical forest and endemic plants and animals. An hour’s drive from Port Vila are the Nasebu Hot Springs with healing thermal waters and mud baths.

Local Culture 

The indigenous population of the islands is famous for its friendliness and hospitality. The locals welcome guests and enjoy interacting with foreigners. Not far from the capital is the traditional village of Ekasup, where tourists can get acquainted with local life in its traditional form: study the culture of the Ni-Vanuatu, watch the fire dance, learn about the peculiarities of hunting and fishing, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of local life and even visit the homes of the locals.

Thrill-seekers can watch the traditional naghol ritual on Pentecost Island – breathtaking high jumps using only a vine as a safety line.

The Nekowiar Festival deserves special attention – it is held every 3-4 years on Tanna Island. For three days, the locals dress in traditional festive costumes, put on masks and apply exotic designs to their faces and bodies, dance, sing, play national musical instruments, give each other gifts, drink traditional kava and even hold ritual pig sacrifices.

Another interesting place near Port Vila is the lands of Chief Roy Mata, which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.